Wednesday, 14 April 2010

American Idol 2010 - Top 9 (again) - Elvis

1. Crystal Bowersox - Saved.
Not my kind of song, but can't deny her vocals were perfect and she performed it well.
Randy: Had energy, dope. Loved it.
Ellen: Fantastic.
Kara: Another solid performance.
Simon: Original, sounded great. Avoided the karaoke trap.

2. Andrew Garcia - Hound Dog.
Interesting Santana vibe. His voice only just managed it though. Surely his time is up.
Randy: Not-good karaoke.
Ellen: Liked the swagger, he pulled it off.
Kara: He didn't own it, she didn't feel more.
Simon: Lazy and predictable. No star power. Didn't get it.

3. Tim Urban - Can't Help Falling In Love.
Nicely vulnerable acoustic performance, but way too big for his voice. Ended well though. Chickened out of the falsetto though.
Randy: Liked it.
Ellen: Really enjoyed it.
Kara: Favourite Tim performance. Authentic and current.
Simon: From zero to hero. Taking advice well.

4. Lee Dewyze - A Little Less Conversation.
Oops forgot the words at the start there! Not terrible, got a bit shouty again.
Randy: Another great perormance.
Ellen: Sounded like a brand new song.
Kara: He went for it vocally. Wished it was more playful.
Simon: On the money. Full stop.

5. Aaron Kelly - Blue Suede Shoes.
Interesting bluesy, rough sound. Quite good.
Randy: Liked the second half.
Ellen: Really good job but didn't get all the way there.
Kara: Out of his comfort zone and she liked that, it made him younger.
Simon: High school concert. Very karaoke.

6. Siobhan Magnus - Suspicious Minds.
Started a bit karaoke and smiley but the bluesy second half worked very well.
Randy: Some risks, kind of liked it. The second half was better, glad to hear the big vocals.
Ellen: Agreed.
Kara: Confusing, the two distinct voices.
Simon: First part terrible, found it erratic and screechy. She's lost who she is.

7. Michael Lynche - In The Ghetto.
A great voice, but just like last week is more concerned with over-singing than storytelling. Barely recognisable. Not for me.
Randy: A little sleepy, but hot vocals.
Ellen: Glad we saved you.
Kara: Loved it.
Simon: Much better than last week.

8. Katie Stevens - Baby What Do You Want Me To Do?
Back to mediocre. Big voice, but bigger song.
Randy: Liked the sass. Big voice.
Ellen: Lots of horns! Great voice.
Kara: You showed us.
Simon: Loud and annoying.

9. Casey James - Lawdy Miss Clawdy.
Suited him, but passed me by.
Randy: Solid.
Ellen: Not exciting, but really good.
Kara: Didn't do it for her.
Simon: Wasted opportunity but vocal was good.

My top three: Crystal, Aaron and Siobhan.
My bottom three: Andrew, Michael and Lee.

Results show:
First out: Andrew. About time really.
Second out: Katie. Ditto.

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