1. Todrick Hall - Since U Been Gone.
Hated the unrecognisable arrangement, but good voice, great stage presence.
Ellen liked the performance, not the chorus. Randy said he obliterated the song, in a bad way. Kara agreed, but called him a performer that took a risk. Simon called him a dancer trying to sing, murdering the song, calling what he did stupid.
2. Aaron Kelly - Here Comes Goodbye.
Competently sung, if a bit dull. He's safe.
Simon thought it lacked confidence but 100% here next week. Kara looks forward to seeing him grow. Randy loved his voice. Ellen loved his humility.
3. Jermaine Sellers - Get Here.
Started off okay, but got very screechy. Shame, there's a good voice there somewhere.
Ellen loved his look and the song, but felt the performance lost the emotion of the song. Randy wanted him to be current and just sing the melody. Kara understood what he was trying to do, but the runs weren't meaningful. Simon said he'd blown his opportunity.
4. Tim Urban - Apologise.
The song was way too big for him- he was very breathy and struggled on the high and low notes.
Simon said there was nothing to take from it, calling it weak. Kara said the music swallowed him up. Randy said it was the wrong song, he doesn't have the falsetto. Ellen said he was adorable to look at, but not listen to.
5. Joe Muñoz - You And I Both
Very generic, nothing particularly notable. Forgettable, but not terrible.
Ellen liked it, great stage presence. Randy didn't like the song choice but thought he did a good job. Kara thought his singing was the best so far. Simon called it okay, safe, forgettable.
6. Tyler Grady - American Woman
Owned the stage. Not the best voice, but authentic mix of song, look and performance.
Simon called it memorable for the wrong reasons, saying it was predictable. Kara agreed, calling it a Jim Morrison schtick. Randy called it style over substance. Ellen says he had the motions without the charisma.
7. Lee Dewyze - Chasing Cars.
Shouty, off-key, off-melody. Excruciating.
Ellen said it was a good song choice but went off when he started shouting. Randy disagreed, saying it was too pop for him. Kara agreed with Randy, saying he made the song unrecognizable. Simon thought it was the best by a mile. He is fucking insane. Or deaf.
8. John Park - God Bless The Child.
Hands down the best so far. Great tone, though I could have done with fewer runs.
Simon said he doesn't have the incredible voice it takes to sing this song. Kara and Randy agreed it lacked emotion. Ellen didn't like the song, but loved his performance and voice. Go girl!
9. Michael Lynche - This Love.
Bored me rigid, and I love this song. Hated the over-confident jazzy nature of the whole thing. Yuck. His story will get him through.
Ellen and Randy liked it, and him. Kara thought it lightened the mood. Simon called him a support act, saying he delivered very little.
10. Alex Lambert - Wonderful World.
Struggled in his low register. Sounds exactly like James Morrisson. Bad mullett. Looked out of his depth but sounded okay once he got going.
Simon called him uncomfortable, but said that he has a very good voice. Kara said his soundalike is a compliment and a problem. Randy loved his tone. Ellen loves the mullett and feels he's not quite ripe enough yet.
11. Casey James - Heaven.
A nicely vulnerable performance. Nothing spectacular, but likeable.
Kara liked it, calling him eye candy and ear candy. Ellen and Randy liked him and the song choice. Simon found it sincere and likeable.
12. Andrew Garcia - Sugar, We're Going Down.
Nothing memorable, but far from terrible.
Simon was disappointed that it was forgettable, despite a fantastic recording voice. Kara said it was a risk, but hopes he's through. Randy said it was strange but try hard. Ellen liked him, but not this performance.
Best of the night for me- Tyler, John and Casey.
My bottom two- Jermaine and Lee.
Results show:
Joe out first- a surprise, he had the voice to last a while longer. Poor, forgettable song choice though.
Tyler out next. A big surprise, I thought he added credibility to the show.
Best Picture nominees 2015
10 years ago