Friday, 26 February 2010

Lost - Season 2 - Episodes 1-4

Disc 1
1. Man of Science, Man of Faith
Flashbacks: Jack treats a female, blonde accident victim in the hospital. She says she wants to dance at her wedding. She had caused the accident, and killed the other driver. He tells her it's highly unlikely she'll ever walk again. Christian overhears and tells him he needs to give patients hope. Her fiancé asks how she'll be in time for the wedding, but Jack tells him she may need professional help for the rest of her life. She tells him she'll roll at her wedding if she can't dance, he says he'll fix her. When Jack is out running, he meets a Scottish man, Desmond, who addresses him as "brother". They talk about Sarah, the girl, and he says he couldn't fix her. Desmond asks what if he did? As they part, Desmond tells Jack "see you in another life". Jack tells Sarah he couldn't repair her, but she shows him she can wiggle her toes and feel her legs.

We see a man typing then exercising after being woken by a beeping computer. He hears a bang from above and grabs guns. Through a periscope, we see John and Jack peering down. They see the ladder is broken, so Jack and Hurley want to leave. John and Kate aren't so sure. Hurley asks John why he went ahead after he warned him. John says it's the reason they're there, Jack corrects him by adding "to help everyone else", sarcastically suggesting it's their destiny. They then find the hatch door on the floor, it is marked "quarantine". Kate confirms to Locke she saw that he'd been dragged by black smoke. Locke wonders what Jack saw. Jack asks Hurley what he meant by "the numbers are bad". He tells him about Leonard, the lottery, the accidents and the numbers on the hatch. Jack asks him about being in a psych ward, saying they're only numbers. Hurley tells him his bedside manner sucks.
Charlie tells everyone at the beach Rousseau set the pillar of smoke fire. Shannon goes looking for Vincent, saying it's the only thing anyone's asked her to do. Sayid goes with her, but encourages her to rest. They find him but he runs. Shannon runs ahead and sees a wet Walt telling her to be quiet, then speaking silently. Sayid catches up, Walt is gone. When they return to the beach, she tells them the story, but they seem skeptical. Jack returns and they all hush. He tells them about the hatch, that they won't get down, and Arzt died. Shannon asks if they saw the others, Charlie says there's no such thing. Jack promises they're all well-protected and that they'll all see sunrise in three hours. Locke says he's tired of waiting, grabs a rope and heads off. Kate asks Jack if he believed what he said. He says he did. Kate tells him she's joining Locke. When she gets there, he says he was waiting for her. He lowers her down the hole. A tree breaks, Kate drops her flashlight and sees the floor is close. When noticing the periscope mirror, she starts to get scared, and a light shoots out of the hatch. There's a pull on the rope and the light goes out. Jack gets to the hatch, sees the rope, but no Locke or Kate. He climbs down. He finds an underground, metallic bunker, with a painted mural featuring 108. He notices a magnetic force. Suddenly, music plays, a light comes on, a security mirror moves and he finds a room with old-fashioned computers. As he goes to type, John warns him not to. He is being held at gunpoint. Jack asks if this was their destiny, but recognises the word "brother" and sees it's Desmond holding Locke hostage, saying "you!"

2. Adrift
Flashbacks: Michael learns from a lawyer that he needs to give up his paternal rights for Brian to adopt Walt. Despite warnings of the cost, he wants to fight for his son. At the hearing, Michael makes it clear he doesn't know anything about his son. Susan asks him why he's doing it. If he wants what's best for Walt, he should let go. Before they leave, a young Walt meets Michael, who gives Walt a cuddly polar bear before saying he'll always love him and goodbye.

Locke climbs down the rope once Kate disappears. In the bunker, he sees the Dharma Swan logo and finds Kate on the floor. Desmond appears with a shotgun, asking John "are you him?" He replies that he is, and that Kate is with her. Desmond asks him "what did one snowman say to the other snowman?" Locke doesn't know, so Desmond says "you're not him" and asks him to drop his knife. Locke says they're not there to hurt him, they're from a plane that crashed 44 days ago. They see tallies scratched over an entire wall, and John asks how long he's been there. Desmond asks Kate to tie Locke up, but Locke persuades him to tie her instead, as she's the fugitive. He slips her something as he shoves her into a cupboard. It's a knife, and she cuts herself free. She finds a light switch and discovers a store room like a grocer's, full of Dharma products. She takes some Apollo candy bars (eating one) and escapes through a vent. Locke fills Desmond in on the plane crash and they exchange names. Desmond asks how many if them have become sick. Locke asks if that's what "quarantine" meant, and says that nobody has. When beeping starts, Desmond leads Locke to a computer in front of a countdown and asks Locke to type 4 8 15 16 23 42 and press execute. The countdown resets to 108. They hear Jack calling for Kate, whose calls from the vent can't be heard over the music. Jack recognises Desmond, saying "you".
Claire finds Charlie's Mary statue. He says he's not religious but it might come in handy.
Sawyer rescues Michael from the water after the raft is destroyed. He revives him with CPR. He asks where Walt is. Michael blames Sawyer for lighting the flare when they notice sharks in the water. Sawyer removes the bullet from his shoulder and passes out. Later, Sawyer says that the boat was sort-range, and must have come from the island. He thinks they were The Others, and had come for Walt. As the raft breaks up, they see a pontoon. Sawyer gives Michael the gun and swims for the pontoon. We see the shark has a Dharma logo on its tail as it heads for Sawyer. Michael shoots it and they both make it to the pontoon. At daylight, Michael regrets bringing Walt on the raft, and vows to get him back. The current returns them to the island, where they meet a frantic, tied-up Jin, shouting "Others". Several strangers brandishing sticks appear.

3. Orientation
Flashbacks: Locke loses patience at a therapy group, telling the story of his patents and his kidney. Afterwards, he meets the group leader, Helen. They sleep together, but Locke leaves, promising he likes her and will call her. When he's in the car outside Anthony's house, Anthony suddenly gets in an confronts him about hanging around. Locke says he just wants to know why. He's told he's not the first to get conned, to get over it and that he's not wanted. At their six-month anniversary Helen gives Locke a key to her place, saying she'd followed him to his father's house. He needs to let go, and he promises to never go there again. He does, and Helen catches him. She tells him he has to choose. He says he can't. She tells him it's a leap of faith, but he doesn't have to choose.

Jin, Michael and Sawyer are thrown into a caged pit. Michael asks for his son. Jin communicates that he was blindfolded so saw nothing. As Sawyer tries to escape, a girl is thrown in with them. It's Ana-Lucia, from the tail section of the plane. She says she was on her own till they found her yesterday. Sawyer shows her his gun, saying they'll escape next time the others come. She asks too many questions, but as Sawyer gets suspicious, she takes the gun and calls to be let out, and she is.
Kate comes out of the vent at an arsenal, grabs a gun and knocks Desmond to the floor. He shoots the computer as he falls, saying "what did you do? We're all going to die". He points out the countdown, they have 96 minutes to fix it. Kate leaves to get Sayid through a different exit and Jack forces Desmond to tell his story. Three years ago, he was sailing around the world when his boat crashed on the island. Kelvin runs out of the jungle, asking for help and they push the button together for a while. Since Kelvin died, he's been doing it alone. Locke believes him, Jack doesn't. Desmond tells him to see for himself, directing him to a cine film, "Orientation". From 1980, it is 3 of 6, Orientation - Station 3 - The Swan. It is quite badly spliced, and features Dr Marvin Candle, who says that the Dharma Initiative was created in 1970 by Gerald and Karen DeGroot from Michigan. A large scale, communo-reasearch compound to study meteorology, psychology, parapsychology, zoology, electromagnetism, and utopia, funded by Alvar Hanso. The Swan was designed to understand the unique electromagnetic fluctuations emanating from this sector. Shortly after experiments began, there was an incident, prompting the button-pushing protocol to begin. It is specified that the computer is not to be used for anything else. John watches it again, Jack leaves. Jack asks Desmond if it's just an experiment to see if he'll do it. He replies, "every day", saying that Kelvin died waiting for his replacement. Desmond tries to fix the computer, but when it switches on, it causes a power cut. He says "it's over" and is leaving, as far as he can run. Jack leaves, John days that this wasn't supposed to happen. When alone, he asks aloud what he's supposed to do. With 24 minutes to go, Kate returns with Sayid and Hurley. Looking for the breaker box, Hurley finds the pantry.Kate finds the breaker box as the beeping starts at the 4 minute countdown. Jack finds Desmond running through the jungle and pulls a gun on him. Desmond repeats the instructions, but Jack says nothing will happen and he doesn't know what he's running from. Desmond then recognises him, asking if he failed her. He says he married her. Desmond observes that they're not married anymore, and leaves, saying "see you in another life". Sayid fixes it and John enters the code. Hurley tries to stop him, but stops objecting when he types 32. Jack appears, telling him it's 42. John wants Jack to press execute, but Jack says it's meaningless. John asks Jack why he finds it hard to believe, but Jack him why he finds it so easy. John says it's never been easy. The beeping changes at 60 seconds and again at 10. With 1 to go, Jack pushes it. Locke says he'll take the first shift.

4. Everybody Hates Hugo
Flashbacks: Hurley faints at the lottery draw, his mother wakes him and has a go at him about being stuck in a rut. At work, Hurley quits after getting a row from Randy (previously seen as Locke's asshole boss) for eating chicken. His friend Johnny quits too. At a record shop, they see Drive Shaft CDs and mock the song. He asks Starla on a date, she accepts. Johnny and Hugo leave Randy's garden gnomes to read "cluck you" and Hurley asks Johnny to promise things will never change between them, but when they arrive atvtje petrol station, there's a camera crew and Hurley's secret is blown. Johnny looks gutted.

Hurley dreams he stuffs his face in the pantry. Jin appears, speaking English, but says that Hurley's speaking Korean, and that everything's going to change, whilst standing next to a man in a chicken suit.
Hurley wakes up as the beeping starts. Kate mentions that it's great having jobs again. At the beach, Charlie asks him about the hatch, but gets frustrated when Hurley doesn't give much away. Hurley approaches Rose, who is doing laundry, relieved at someone who isn't asking about the hatch. She says it won't help with the laundry and he says it will. He takes her to the hatch. Jack asks him who else he's told, he says nobody. They go to the pantry, Rose helps Hurley inventory, but nobody is to take anything. He says everyone will hate him. Kate takes a bottle of shampoo. Rose says it's just one, he replies that's how it starts.
Jin and Mike are let out of the pit at the threat of Sawyer getting shot. He is left behind for a while, then let out. The supposed others are also survivors of flight 815. Ana-Lucia demands authority from Sawyer, but he is a reluctant subject. Libby introduces herself to Michael, saying 23 of them survived. Ana-Lucia leads them to a hidden door, opened by Bernard from the inside. Once inside, there's fewer than 10 of them.
Claire finds their messages in the bottle, washed ashore. She and Shannon give it to Sun, saying it's up to her what they do. She secretly buries it.
Locke collects fruit from the jungle, then calls Charlie out, asking why he's been following him. He says he feels left out since rescuing Aaron, and wants answers. Locke fills him in about Desmond, and, when asked, tells him Hurley's in charge of the food. Charlie finds him and is upset again when he's refused peanut butter for Claire. Hurley confronts Locke for telling Charlie, but he says Charlue asked, change is good, and they all have their jobs to do. Hurley accepts he can't quit this job, and goes to the hidden stash of dynamite. Rose catches him before he blows up the pantry.
Jack and Sayid investigate the station, including the magnetism, thick concrete and underground ducts. Sayid thinks they're covering their power source, a geothermal generator. He likens the place to Chernobyl. Jack resurfaces where Kate is having a shower.
Hurley asks Jack if he can just give everyone what they want, and is given the ok to do so. Charlie has peanut butter for Claire and Rose takes a chocolate bar for Bernard- who we see introduce himself to Michael, Sawyer and Jin. They tell him Rose is okay.

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