Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Lost - Season 1 - Episodes 17-20

Disc 5
17. In Translation
Flashbacks: Jin asks Sun's father for her hand in marriage. He asks Jin to work for him. Jin says his own father is dead. At the wedding, Sun says she wishes Jin's father could be there, but wants to go on honeymoon. Jin's too busy with work, saying they'll go in 6 months' time. Jin is promoted. His new duties include warning people that Mr Paik is displeased. He is offered a dog as an apology. As he and Sun sit down for a meal, her father rings- Jin must drive a hitman to the same house, but Jin beats the victim up instead, to save the victim's life. He comes home with blood on him. Sun sees this. She asks what he's doing for her father. He says whatever her father tells him to. He then visits a humble fisherman- his father. He aplogises for being ashamed of him. They discuss Sun, and he says he wants to start over with her. His father suggests the next job is his last, and to start a new life in America.

Michael gets into a fight with Jin when Jin drags a bathing Sun to cover herself up. She slaps Michael. Jin asks Sun what's going on between them. She says nothing, then finds Michael to apologise, saying she was protecting Michael from Jin. He says it's her problem, he just wants to get Walt out of there.
Hurley tries to befriend Jin but is ignored.
Sayid and Shannon bond some more.
Michael wants to take Walt to see the Flatiron building in NYC. He doesn't seem interested. Jack discovers Sawyer is going on the raft with Michael.
Kate asks Sun why she doesn't stand up to Jin. She says he used to be tender.
The raft is found ablaze and Michael blames Jin. Sun finds him with a cut hand and asks if he started the fire, but Jin runs off at the mention of Michael's name.
Sayid tells Boone he and Shannon may become more than friends, but Boone warns him he'll be dumped when he's no longer useful to her. When Shannon finds out, she looks for Boone and finds Locke. He tells her they all have a new life and instead of giving Boone the attention he craves, she should start a new life with Sayid, if it's him she wants.
Sawyer finds Jin and knocks him out for destroying his way off the island. Sawyer brings Jin to the beach where Michael punches him. Sun shouts for him to stop-in English, in front of everyone, including Jin. She says it was already on fire when Jin got there, but he hurt himself trying to put it out. Locke suggests the others did it. Walt asks Michael if he can help his father build the new raft. He says yes.
Sun asks Jin if they can start over again. He says it's too late.
Shannon and Sayid kiss.
Walt and Locke play backgammon. Locke says his own father is not "cool". Locke asks him why he burned the raft, and won't tell anyone. Walt replies he doesn't want to move anymore, and likes it there. Locke agrees.
Jin helps Michael with the new raft.

18. Numbers
Flashbacks: Hurley wins the lottery. He says he wants to give his grandfather a well-earned break... Grandpa drops dead. Hurley thinks the money is cursed as more bad things happen. He surprises his mother with a new house, but she breaks her ankle and the house catches fire. The police arrive and Hurley is arrested. His accountant tells him his money has doubled. Hurley realises it is the numbers that are cursed, not the money. He goes to a psychiatric hospital to visit a patient, Leonard, who just recites the numbers over and over. Hurley asks what they mean and mentions the lottery. Leonard goes nuts, saying Hurley shouldn't gave, and must get away from the numbers. He says he heard them from a Sam in Australia. He visits Sam's wife (Worst. Accent. Ever.) Sam died four years ago, but 16 years ago he'd heard a voice repeating those numbers, and used them to win a prize. His wife then lost his leg, but he was fine. They kept track of those hurt around him, moving to the middle of nowhere to make it stop, but it only stopped when he committed suicide. Hurley blamed the numbers, wifey calls them an excuse.

Sun tells Kate Jin will never speak to her again after she humiliated him.
Locke asks Claire to help him saw wood. Claire thanks Locke for getting her mind off her abduction. Claire reveals it's her birthday and Locke reveals they'd been building a cradle.
Hurley finds his lottery numbers in the notes Sayid took from Rousseau. He and Jack want to find her. Charlie sees Hurley acting suspiciously with bottles of water and says he's acting crazy. Sayid notices a missing map, and confronts Jack. Charlie says he saw Hurley and they realise he's gone to find Rousseau. They follow him. Hurley finds the cable and follows it to a trap. Sayid, Charlie and Jack arrive, but Hurley avoids the trap. They find a rope bridge, Hurley crosses it, but it collapses when Charlie tries, but just as he gets across. Jack and Sayid find a way around the bridge, just as Sayid recognises the place, Jack steps on a mine and an explosion reveals the now-abandoned cabin. Just as Hurley is about to tell Charlie something, they are shot at. They run in different directions, and Hurley runs into Rousseau. He shows her the numbers, but she doesn't know what they mean. Her team had heard the numbers on a transmission, but got shipwrecked when they changed course to investigate. She found the radio tower by the black rock and changed the recording to hers when her team had succumbed to the sickness. She says the numbers brought her here, and she's lost everything, agreeing the numbers are cursed. He then turns up at the cabin with a battery, saying "she said hey".
Hurley tells Charlie he thinks the crash was his fault, but Charlie tells him about his addiction and that can't be his fault. Hurley says his biggest secret is that he's worth $156 million, but Charlie thinks he's joking. We see the hatch has the numbers engraved on it. 4 8 15 16 23 42.

19. Deus Ex Machina
Flashbacks: Locke shows a child the game of Mouse Trap in a toy shop. Swoozie Kurtz asks him where the footballs are but behaves suspiciously. He sees her in the car park, she says she's his mother. He was raised in a foster home. She tells him he is special, part of a design, and was immaculately conceived. A detective confirms it's his mother, and she's schizophrenic. His father, Anthony Cooper, is rich, and when they meet they get on very well and go hunting together. Locke finds out his father needs a kidney transplant. He offers one of his. When he wakes, his father has checked out, with no message. His mother turns up and explains it was all a set-up. Locke tries to see Anthony, but can't get past the gates.

Sawyer is getting headaches, Sun's medicine and aspirin aren't helping. Kate asks Jack to help. Sawyer is a reluctant patient. Jack discovers Sawyer needs glasses. He finds some from the salvage and Sayid creates a new pair from appropriate lenses. Kate thanks Jack, but he says he didn't do it for Sawyer.
Locke and Boone build a trebuchet to smash the hatch's glass. It doesn't work and Locke loses composure, saying it was meant to work. He doesn't feel it when some shrapnel shoots into his leg. He later tries pins and fire, but feels no pain in his leg. Locke dreams that Boone says he's giving up on the hatch. Locke says it's a test of faith and the island will give them a sign. They then see a small plane crash nearby, but Locke had visions of his mother pointing and a blood-soaked Boone repeating "Theresa fell down/up the stairs", and Locke is back in his wheelchair. He wakes up, then wakes Boone up. He tells him about the dream and the chant, and Boone goes with him to find the plane. They find a rosary and a dead Nigerian priest. Locke starts having trouble walking and confesses to Boone that he used to be in a wheelchair. He thinks the island is punishing him for not following its signs. Boone helps him and says Theresa was his nanny, who broke her neck on the stairs when he was six. They find the plane in a tree. Locke asks Boone to climb the tree to see what's inside the plane. It's carrying heroin via Mary statues, and there's another body. Boone tries the radio. He says they're the survivors of flight 815, he gets a reply that they are from the same flight. Locke carries a very injured Boone to Jack, saying that he fell off a cliff. But when Jack turns around to ask what happened, Locke disappears. We find him banging on the hatch asking "why did you do this to me?" A light comes on in the hatch window.

20. Do No Harm
Flashbacks: It's Jack's wedding rehearsal. Sarah (Julie Bowen) reveals Jack fixed her back after a car crash, and fell in love with him. He's struggling with his vows and hoping "he" turns up. That evening, Christian arrives and they talk about the vows and Jack's cold feet. Christian tells Jack he's good at commitment, but not letting go. The wedding goes ahead. Jack goes for honesty over vows. It goes down well.

Claire asks when the raft will be ready. Sawyer thinks she likes him.
Boone's lung collapses while Jack tries to heal him. Kate is sent to Sawyer for alcohol. The pressure starts to get to Jack. Kate falls and smashes some of the alcohol bottles, but finds a wandering Claire in labour. She cries for help and Jin hears. Kate gives him the alcohol and sends him to Jack. Boone needs a transfusion so Jack sends Sun to find everyone's blood type. She returns with a sea plant suitable for use as a needle, while Charlie discovers there's no match. Jack gives his blood to Boone. Jin arrives and Sun translates. Awkward. Jack sends Charlie to them with instructions. Kate will have to deliver the baby. Boone tells Jack about the plane and hatch then calls for Shannon, who's on a secret date with Sayid. She tells Sayid the truth of her relationship with Boone, but that it's not mutual.
Claire's contractions stop, but her waters break. The contactions start again. Kate gets the news that she's to be midwife and delivery begins. Claire is worried the baby will know she didn't want it. Kate points out that Claire wants the baby now, and that's what matters.
Jack realises something crushed Boone's leg and Sun stops the transfusion. Jack sends Hurley to get Michael. Jack decides to amputate Boone's injured leg. Sun tells Jack he can't save Boone, due to his internal injuries. As he's about to do amputate, Boone wakes and "lets him off the hook'".
Claire gives birth to a boy.
Boone says "tell Shannon..." and dies. As everyone celebrates the baby's birth, Sayid and Shannon return. Jack breaks the news. Kate watches from a distance. Shannon cries over Boone's body.
Jack tells Kate that Boone was murdered, and sets off to find John Locke.

Unsolved mysteries:
1. Having watched today's episode 3 (or 4) of Season 6, the numbers are explained... But not the signal that was broadcast.
2. Jacob has told Hurley he's not mad, so what gives? Surely it's more than being a medium?

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