Monday, 15 March 2010

Lost - Season 2 - Episodes 17-20

Disc 5
17. Lockdown
Flashbacks: Helen tells Locke that Anthony has died. At the funeral, they are the only attendees, bar security guards, two mysterious dodgy-looking men and a silver Mercedes, which drives away. Locke tells the closed coffin he forgives him. Whilst doing odd jobs, Locke sees the car. He approaches, it's Anthony. He has a stolen $700,000 in a bank vault and wants John to get it for him, saying he can keep $200,000. He's leaving tomorrow, money or not- if he doesn't see John, he'll understand. After visiting the bank, he goes home to Helen- the dodgy men are there. They ask if he's seen his father since he died. He denies it, they ask to look in the bag he's carrying. The money's not in there. They leave. Helen asks if he was lying, he denies it, saying he was scared. John gives Anthony the money and gets his share. Helen turns up, furious at them both. John proposes but she leaves, saying he needed his father's love more than hers.

Ana, Sayid and Charlie find a grave and a hot air balloon at the location Henry gave.
Jack orders Locke to put Henry back in the armoury. Henry asks Locke why he lets Jack order him around. Later, Locke hears a female voice, static and feedback over the hatch PA system. It is a countdown, and at zero a load of shutters lock Locke in. He lets Henry out, giving him his word that he'll protect him. They prise a door open but as Locke slides under it traps his legs. Locke tells Henry about the computer and the code. Henry falls as he tries to get through a grate, and the beeping starts. When he awakes, he gets through as the beep changes. John calls out for Henry, but he doesn't reply. The beeping stops, the lights go out, John sees a hand-drawn octogon map on the wall, illuminated by the UV light. Suddenly, the lights come back on and the shutters rise. Locke crawls to the computer to find the clock has reset. Henry appears behind him, saying he entered the code, the clock reset, and as he climbed back into the vent the lights went out, came back on and the shutters rose- he didn't do it.
Aaron is better. Hurley complains to Jack about being kept out of the loop. Libby needs medication for a sea urchin sting, but Sawyer requires ten loads of laundry for it. Jack joins Sawyer, Kate and Hurley in a game of poker. When Jack wins, they double-or-nothing for the medical supplies. Jack wins again. Sawyer asks him why he didn't ask for the guns. He says when he wants them, he'll get them. Jack bumps into Kate in the forest and as she congratulates him, they see a flashing light. They follow it to a parachuted food drop. Sayid, Ana and Charlie appear. As Henry attends to Locke's leg, Jack etc arrive at the hatch, hold Henry against the wall and Sayid reveals that what Henry had told them wad true. Except that the body in the grave was not of a woman, but of a man, whose ID reveals is called Henry Gale.

18. Dave
Flashbacks: Hurley is with his psychiatrist Brooks (the watery politician from X-Men) two months into his stay. They discuss that his mother put him there because of "the accident", and his friend Dave who is encouraging Hurley not to change. Hurley sees him at a basketball game, and again when playing Connect 4 with Leonard. Brooks takes a photo of Hurley and Dave together. Dave then encourages Hurley not to swallow his pills. In a session with Brooks, Hurley blames his weight for "their" death, walking onto something that collapsed, killing 23 people. When Hurley tells Brooks that Dave thinks he's a quack, Brooks shows him the photo he took... Dave doesn't exist. Later, Dave wakes Hurley up and slaps him. They are about to escape, when Hurley changes his mind and locks Dave out. We see Libby was also a patient in the same hospital as Hurley.

Jack attends to Locke's fractured leg. Kate gets him crutches. Locke tells Jack that "Henry" came back, but Jack points out that it was only because he thought his story would check out.
"Henry" tells Sayid that Henry was dead already when his search party arrived. Sayid shows him a note written to his wife, post-crash, on a dollar bill, asking if he interrogated him for his wife's name. He replies that they don't realise what "he" will do if he finds out. Ana asks if he means the bearded man, "Henry" says he's nobody. Sayid asks him how many of them there are, and shoots when he refuses to answer, but Ana knocks the gun away in time. Locke goes to see him. He tells John that God can't see the island and that he didn't enter the code. He describes the heiroglyphics and loud, clunking magnetic noise, then the code just reset and nothing happened. John says he's lying, but he says he's done lying.
Charlie helps Eko build something, but he won't say what it is.
Hurley and Libby exercise on the beach. He tells her he is overweight because he is sick. He shows her his secret food stash, she encourages him to destroy it. They then discover the food drop. Hurley sees a man (Sex & The City's Harry) and follows him until he trips. He looks up and sees a slipper in front of him, saying "uh-oh". Libby says she's proud of him for resisting temptation. He later stuffs his face with crackers, but the man- Dave- shows up again, throwing a coconut at him to prove he's real. Hurley chases him again but just ends up running into Charlie and Eko. He goes to Sawyer for medication, but ends up beating him up when he jokes about it. Libby asks if she can help but he says he's going back to the caves where nobody lives anymore. On the way he sees Dave again, saying he's not real. Dave asks for his slipper and tells him none of this is real- he's still in the hospital. He encourages Hurley to jump off a cliff, jumping first. Libby stops him, saying she is real, and they kiss.

19. S.O.S.
Flashbacks: Rose and Bernard meet when he helps her drive out of some snow. When he proposes at Niagra Falls, she reveals she is dying of cancer. He asks for an answer, she says yes. He takes her to Isaac of Uluru, a faith healer, in Australia. She says she didn't ask for this and has made her peace. He says he hasn't, it's not him. He has to try. Isaac tells her there are certain points on the Earth with geothermal or magnetic energy than can be harnessed and given to others. Unfortunately, this isn't her spot. She tells him she'll tell Bernard he fixed her anyway. At the airport, Locke helps her from his wheelchair.

Locke tries to draw the map he saw, but can't remember it clearly enough. Locke asks "Henry" through the locked door if he entered the numbers or not. He doesn't answer, but smirks to himself.
Rose & Bernard are stacking shelves with the food drop items, when he observes everyone's given up on being rescued. He gets a small team together to create an SOS sign, but Rose calls it false hope. Eko refuses help as he and Charlie are building a church, saying people get saved in different ways. People start dropping out, and he blames Rose for her lack of support, saying she wouldn't be there if he wasn't such a trier. She walks away. Jin is the final one to walk away from helping Bernard. John tells Rose he's done with the hatch. Rose tells him he'll be up and about in no time, saying they both know he'll heal much quicker than the required four weeks. Rose finally tells Bernard the truth- but that the island had healed her. She lied because she didn't want him spending their time together with him trying to do things to rescue her. He agrees that they should never leave the island, in case it comes back.
Jack changes "Henry"'s dressing, suggesting they swap him for Walt. He says that they'll never give up Walt. Jack asks Kate to join him, saying the others didn't want her, and Sayid said no. They find a doll, but it's a trap and they get caught in a net, assuming it's Rousseau's. Jack shoots the rope (after Kate fails). She tells him about the medical hatch. They reach the "line" they shouldn't cross but Kate says they're not there. They wait. She apologises for kissing him. He says he's not sorry. Michael stumbles out and collapses.

20. Two For The Road
Flashbacks: Ana Lucia is shown Jason's body, her mother knows she killed him. Ana quits, and gets an airport security job. At the bar, she meets Christian. They bond over issues of working with family. He invites her to Sydney as a bodyguard. They call each other Tom and Sarah. After four days of drinking and doing nothing, he wakes her in the middle of the night to take him to the suburbs where he demands to see his daughter, but fails. Ana asks him about it and he says he's trying to reconnect with his daughter since his son cut him off. She suggests they leave Sydney, he says he can't and leaves her for the bar at which he meets Sawyer. Seeing an upset Jack in the airport queue, Ana rings her mother, saying she is sorry and wants to come home.

"Henry" tries to strangle Ana when she calls him a killer, saying she killed two innocent people. John saves her in time. Libby warns her not to do something stupid. She tries and fails to get a gun from Sawyer by asking, so sleeps with him.
John asks "Henry" why he didn't kill him while he was trapped under the door. He says John's one of the good ones. He says their great, but unforgiving, leader will want him dead now anyway as he failed in his mission to bring John to them.
Hurley asks Sayid about the radio to seduce Libby, he suggests a picnic at the beach where he took Shannon. Libby catches Hurley stashing again, but he tells her it was for their picnic. She agrees to go, but he gets lost and they end up back at their own beach. She gets blankets and sends him to get wine from Rose & Bernard. Jin gives him a thumbs-up.
Michael wakes up, saying he found them. They live in canvas tents with raggy clothes and no shoes. He counted 22 people, but saw no Cindy or children. They have an armed hatch but only two guns, mostly old people and female. They need to go there and take them.
Jack tells John that he and Sayid were right about "Henry". John asks to be included on decisions. They all go with Michael, Ana volunteering to stay behind with "Henry". Jack asks Sawyer for the guns at gunpoint, Sawyer realises Ana took his gun when they slept together. John suspects why and tells Jack about her earlier incident.
Ana throws "Henry" a knife to free himself. He tells her Goodwin thought she could change, but he was wrong, at the cost of his own life. She says that he would have killed her. "Henry" questions that.
She tells Michael about "Henry", and that she couldn't kill him, though she wanted to. He offers to do it and shoots her instead. Libby, who walked in after picking up blankets, is also shot. Michael opens the door to "Henry", points the gun at himself, and shoots.

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